Case study Alfresco

Reference project

Implementation of Alfresco using the example of the BBW


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The customer

Bbw and bfz are part of the bbw group, which has been developing service concepts for and with the business world for more than 40 years. The bbw Group is a leading institution for professional training and qualification.


The bbw gGmbH is responsible for a dual training program in Tunisia. The training of the participants is divided into eight-week sections, which alternately take place at a vocational school and a traineeship.

In order to support training and better communication between participants, a portal for education institutions and employers in Tunisia should be established and operated. Access to the portal should include the participating employers (currently seven), the vocational schools, as well as the pupils of the project classes.

CaseStudy bbw -German    CaseStudy bbw - English


Selection of IT IS customers with successful projects

Implementation of Alfresco using the example OTRS

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The customer

OTRS is one of the world's most successful and long-lasting open source projects in the field of helpdesk and IT service management. More than 5,000 active community members improve the service management software with every release by reporting bugs, developing self-developed improvements or new functions, maintaining the translations in 37 languages and extending additional languages. Due to the open source code, which is constantly checked by the manufacturer and the community, OTRS is not only more secure than open source software, but also more flexible. 150,000 installations in various industries such as IT & Telecommunications, government, health, industry, education and consumer goods testify.

The requirements

For internal use as a document management system, Alfresco was implemented at the customer site. After the server should be operated by the customer, installation and configuration was carried out directly on site and together with OTRS. In the course of the establishment the site and authorization structure was established. LDAP integration and backup and recovery have also been implemented. In addition to the use of the system, administration should also be carried out by the customer, whereby training courses were carried out for administrators of the system. The use of Alfresco has been taught through user training.

Implementation of Alfresco
for a very large organisation in the german public sector


The secret customer

The secret customer of Alfresco Community version has locations all over Germany and employees roughly 200.000 people. In thes dedicated case we have helped a training organisation that is there to train highly qualified personnel.
If you have got further questions, please don't hesitate to contact us If you want to we will arrange a telephone call with the secret customer for you.

The requirements

For internal use a document management system was sought to optimize and document the storage of documents. Apart from the storage of training documents, as well as general documents in the Office format (ppt, xlsx, doc, xml), confidential information should also be stored, which has a special focus on the authorizations on pages and documents. The document management system should be managed and managed by the customer himself, which required appropriate training for administrators and key users.

Implementierung von Alfresco und ERP-Verbindung
am Beispiel von Schicker Mineral

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The customer

Die Firma Schicker Mineral Gmbh & Co.KG ist auf die hochwertige, hochbelastbare Diabas-Gestein spezialisiert. Um die Kundenanforderungen zu erfüllen, greift Schicker auf ein umfangreiches Sortiment an verschiednene Arten von Sand, Split und Schotter dieser 450 Mio Jahre alten Gesteins zurück. Ziel ist es, eine optimale Lösung entsprechend der der Anforderungen des Kunden für den Bau von Verkehrswegen, Gärten, Tennisplätzen und im Gartenbereich zu erarbeiten. Schicker hat den Anspruch, seinen Kunden höchste Qualität zu bieten.

The requirements

Since the previous ERP system was no longer able to meet the customer's requirements for a business system, Odoo was introduced as a new ERP system. Since the requirement for document management of relevant documents existed in the company, Alfresco was introduced as a DMS and integrated with the IT IS Odoo Alfresco module in Odoo. In this project the management and provision of print and embroidery files played an important role. This allows them to be deposited with customers or sales orders and are therefore also available for production.

Einführung Alfresco und ERP-Verbindung am Beispiel WPO


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The customer

Wind Prospect is a leading global renewable energy company. First and foremost, a consultant, but also one of the most successful independent developers for renewable energies worldwide, who have played a major role in the international development of onshore wind energy.

Globally, the Wind Prospect Group operates from more than 20 branches in Europe, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. In 2007, Wind Prospect was held in the Sunday Times "Fast Track 100 List" and in 2010 in the "International Fast Track 100", reflecting the scope and size of the business.


To simplify document management in projects, a document management system was required. By using the IT IS Odoo Alfresco module, the customer's Odoo ERP system could be connected to Alfresco. The integration of Alfresco into Odoo was achieved through the use of the module and thus created the possibility to manage company-critical documents simply and directly from Odoo.

Implementation Alfresco and ERP connection using Swisslux as an example


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The customer

Swisslux AG supplies the Swiss market with products from the field of intelligent building technology, which simplify the use and maintenance of buildings and lead to more safety, comfort and energy savings. The offer is exclusively for companies in electrical engineering, such as electrical installers, electric planners, system integrators and the electrical trade.


With the introduction of a new ERP system based on Odoo, a possibility should also be created to adapt the document management for the company. For this purpose, the IT IS Odoo Alfresco module was used to enable the integration of Alfresco into Odoo and to simplify the administration of the documents in a simple and structured manner.

Fallstudie Alfresco

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