Selection of IT IS customers with successful projects
The customer
OTRS is one of the world's most successful and long-lasting open source projects in the field of helpdesk and IT service management. More than 5,000 active community members improve the service management software with every release by reporting bugs, developing self-developed improvements or new functions, maintaining the translations in 37 languages and extending additional languages. Due to the open source code, which is constantly checked by the manufacturer and the community, OTRS is not only more secure than open source software, but also more flexible. 150,000 installations in various industries such as IT & Telecommunications, government, health, industry, education and consumer goods testify.
The requirements
For internal use as a document management system, Alfresco was implemented at the customer site. After the server should be operated by the customer, installation and configuration was carried out directly on site and together with OTRS. In the course of the establishment the site and authorization structure was established. LDAP integration and backup and recovery have also been implemented. In addition to the use of the system, administration should also be carried out by the customer, whereby training courses were carried out for administrators of the system. The use of Alfresco has been taught through user training.